Wednesday, December 7, 2011

DAI 323 - Blog Exercise 14

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I think this is one of those designs that I would've also have done. Maybe with a different color. It doesn't really pop out as olympic colors in my opinion. But the contrast from the black background and the color of the text makes it really pop out. But what if it was on a white background? Whenever I think of London I always almost immediately think of the color blue. I would've made this hue blue, but with the same contrast. Blue makes you feel a little more welcomed then the fierceness of red. Its structured perfectly, the 20 above the 12 makes sense, because that's the way we all read it. Twenty-Twelve. Then fitting in the olympic rings into the 0 is a good idea. But I rather put it on the bottom of the 2012, and also make it bigger so that the 2012 would be sitting on top of it. The text of London would be on top of the 2012 sign. I think its a better composition and a better feeling. The example above would be suitable for a thumb pin.

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This is one of the designs were you have to say has potential, but ultimately failed to serve Americans. It really depends who you sell this to. This will probably sell really well outside of the United States. Americans look for comfort when they look for couches to buy, and this one does not fit the bill. Also the color is almost unbearable. One of the worst colors on furniture has to be pink, it looks like a pepto bismol bottle spill, and you tried to clean it up with red wine, but stopped half way. If this one a completely different color like navy, it would be acceptable visually not but physically.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

DAI 323 Blog Exercise 13

This is one of the best images I've seen on the internet. It sends a modern message of what we've been going through for the past decade. All children born around or grew up around this point has learned or seen something about war on the news. It's visually communicating with us, telling us that we need to step out of other peoples territory because it's starting to effects kids of all ages. The contrast between the too objects is simple, the plastic tricycle; playful, fun and bright colors show the life we could've had. And the tank in the background giving us an aura of poor decisions and bad politics. The tracks on the tank are rusty just like our system. It represents America and how the one person driving the tank and destroy so many lives and dreams.  I think this pictures represents what our country has gone through the past decade.
This is a drink produced by some company. There is so much contrast difference in each of these packages that it looks like a insect repellent. The rabbits look like cockroaches with the ones on the right. and the rabbits on the left look like circles because they are about the same size as each other. The orange on the right doesn't match up with any color that is presented. The colors together are so bright there is no balance in the design. The one of the far left is acceptable because the black and the colors balance each other, but the composition of the dots aren't visually appealing. The silver with the colored dots do not work at all, because they are both equally bright. If your going to sell wine, try not using kid colors, and use some clean adult colors. For instance dark green, because bottles of wine usually use green bottles, and silver lining but just silver in the background.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

DAI 323 - Blog Exercise

This is an battle ground map from the game World Of Warcraft. If you have never played this game, the point of this battle is to capture as many bases as you can while collecting resources.To navigate through the map, you  must follow the road, you can tell it's the road because of the contrast in color form the field and the road. The problem is sometimes you can't tell if you can use shortcuts on the world map because it doesn't show them. You actually see the shortcuts you have to explore the area yourself. Theres an area in this map where you have to jump a river for a shortcut into another base. The thing that captures the most about this map is the bases. They are completely different but all have the same purpose. When different factions control the base the color and the symbol of the faction is shown. In this picture the red and black flag of the Horde is shown. If you were to see a blue and gold flag as a faction of the horde, you must assault the base as quick as possible to prevent them from gathering resources. That is when the attention of the player or user is moved.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

DAI 323 - Blog Exercise 11

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Above is a visual communicating image of an anti-smoking campaign. As you can see this compares the life of a cigarette to a measurement of your life. The more you smoke, the less you live. The cigarette seems to be relative to size and the life meter is based on a years of life in scale. Which makes it look a bit familiar. The text "how long can you live?" has a relative size feeling and it seems to be linear, gives it a 3D kind of look even though it is obviously 2D. The ruler seems to be at a familiar size, seems like a normal ruler we would see everyday. I would have to say the dark area surrounding the cigarette seems to be an atmospheric perspective because it gives you a feeling of a dark area. The part that sticks out to me the most is the word "live?" I would probably change that color to red to make an even deeper impact and give it a little more excitement, there wouldn't  be any confusion because red usually means, stop or danger.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

DAI 323 - Blog Exercise 10

I think the tone of these picture really dictates what it wants to do. On the right many Americans have seen this poster in their lifetime. It was when America needed young adults to be recruited to go to war. Using the national symbol of Uncle Sam, pointing towards you, the eyes also follow you. With the letter YOU bold in red  makes it seem like it's important for YOU to register into the United States military. The biggest letters are "I WANT YOU FOR U.S. ARMY". Kind of gives the feeling that if you don't join, then you're against us. Puts a pretty deep impact on weakened minds. As you can see, both posters have the YOU in big bold letters to get the attention of the reader. Making you thinking you have to do something when you actually don't have to. It's very subliminal and very good. I like who ever designed it because the poster on the left is the actual color of the United States, but I have no idea about the poster of the left. When there is no tone with color there is no pop.

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This color of this poster is really thought of well. The image of Jesus Christ being nailed upon the big cross screams out blood, and they perfectly did that with the blood colored letters. This works well with direction because it is telling you a old Bible story that happened, and if your believe in Jesus Christ, He was to clean your sins with his death.  The reflection of the flesh and the colors of it show the suffering of Him and His willingness to help other people of the world. The color of His blood also match the color of the movie title which is pretty cool. It makes it very realistic and in your face. This image could also offend a lot of people because they do not really want to see what happened. But they visual created it to not being so offended becuase you can't see the pain on his face nor the nails on his foot and hands.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

DAI 323 - Blog Exercise 9

The dots in this image is from the tennis balls combining to make a chair. This is one of the weirdest objects I have never seen. I would have never thought of this. Even though in real life, everything is made out of dots, because we are all particles being put together. The focus of this was to glue the tennis balls together do that it can support a human to be able to sit on it, and I think it worked really well. It performs as a chair to an everyday human being.

Above in an image of voice waves over time. In nature it is impossible to see someone speak because it travels so fast, we can only hear the sonic waves output. These waves of lines also leaves openings for the imagination. If you were on a Mac it can also mean Wi-Fi signal except the wifi symbol usually points up and not to the right. It performs as a communication visual, of how sounds or internet signals work. It is active because you can't see it, but you can hear it.

This is one of my favorite images. It looks like it can be a universal symbol for a bike lane all over the world. I like this because it simple and it performs really well. Even without the handles or bike paddles it looks like the symbol is continuously moving forward with makes a lot of sense. The shape is active because it is drawn that way of a person actually racing a bicycle. and the wheels with cut off lines seem like it moving faster and faster.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

DAI 323 - Blog Exercise 8

This is my friend puzzle, where you have to see how many triangles you can count of all sizes. He had 36 counted and he was wrong there were a total of 44 triangles in this puzzles. He was kind of annoyed after about 30, because it got really confusing of which one got counted already.

This is my puzzle where as i wrote a little smaller but i also got lost around 30 triangle, here i only counted 30 triangles because of the confusion, it was just overwhelming for a person like me. I think Mckim's concepts of "finding" comes in big play in this puzzle. All you need is to find the triangles and use basic math to count up the triangles. It's really harder than it looks.
This is my puzzle where i just simple looked at the first one, then second, then the third, and i immediately noticed the style of pattern it is setting, McKim's "inverse drawing" came into mind, basically a mirror image of the object, and when i noticed that i noticed they were numbers so this one was quite an easy one.

This is my friends, he gave up after about 5 minutes because, i immediately found out the solution, and he was stuck there wondering and got frustrated, i ended up telling him what was going on in the puzzle and he eventually got it

It was very weird how oddly different minds function in better ways in different scenarios, this these puzzles, my friend did a lot better than i did with the triangle puzzle, but when the second puzzle came along, my brain just triggered it right away. It's awesome how visual concept of the brain works.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

DAI 323 - Blog Exercise 7

This is the interface of the game created by Blizzard Entertainment, World of Warcraft.

As you can see like in most role playing games. There are actions bars at the bottom of the screen. These actions bars allow you to control your characters actions. That was the first thing and I looked at when I log in. The second thing the and I continiously look at is the Top left, which is my health bar. In my honest opinion I don't think any visuals overpower one another, The only over powering concept in this image is the bottom half of the screen. Because you have the chat box on the left, the damage dealt meter on the right, and the action bars at the bottom of the screen. It has multiple feature channels not detectable preattentively.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

DAI 323 - Blog Exercise 6

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Right when you look at this image, my eyes directly looks at the forward kicking the ball. Then it just so happens that my eyes goes to the goalkeeper then to the 4 blockers then to the ball.  There is a looping affect. I asked some of my friend look to at this image to and they had the same result as I had. The most scan paths were at the forward and the goaltender. The fixation was mostly upon the wall of players and the ball to see if the ball can go around.