Monday, September 12, 2011

Meaning 2 - Interactions Between the 3 Levels

Representation: The picture above clearly shows a can of beer. Almost all the around the world, a can like this resembles a type of beverage. The impact it has on it's users or viewers is that once they see this can, they know they can drink from it no matter what, all they have to do is pay for it. It relates to the other two levels of design because, first of all the symbols in the middle "Angkor" represents one of the most famous temples in the world "Angkor Wat", Any one that knows has researched Cambodia, that should have been the first thing to come into mind. The red and the blue colors if also put abstractly denotes the flag of Cambodia. The real flag has red and blue colors with the actual temple in the middle of the flag.

 Abstract: This is a abstract vision of the program "Internet Explorer" created by the Microsoft corporation. It plays a infinite role into our world today, once I look and this image I felt like I was connected to the world. Sometimes that's how people feel, the need to be online and to be "connected" to other people. This relates on the two other levels, the symbol in this image is giving out the word "Internet" "Connected" "Open Doors". On a representational level this image is definitely reflects on how we live in our world today, for example, homework use to be turned in every class IN PAPER, now we can turn it in by uploading them, or by posting them on an online blog like this.

Symbolism: This picture denotes a very iconic team in major league baseball. The Milwaukee Brewers. Even though I like this is a relatively new design for the team, it really stands out from all the other new designs I've seen. If you watch baseball, that circle inside the glove is actually a baseball, and the glove itself it made of the letters "M" and "b" which make up the Milwaukee Brewers. To the non-baseball viewers it might just seem like a normal abstract glove and ball, but to a person who watches almost every Giants game then you will see different aspects in the image. On a representational level this dictates, American comfort, and just good old fashion baseball game.

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