Wednesday, December 7, 2011

DAI 323 - Blog Exercise 14

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I think this is one of those designs that I would've also have done. Maybe with a different color. It doesn't really pop out as olympic colors in my opinion. But the contrast from the black background and the color of the text makes it really pop out. But what if it was on a white background? Whenever I think of London I always almost immediately think of the color blue. I would've made this hue blue, but with the same contrast. Blue makes you feel a little more welcomed then the fierceness of red. Its structured perfectly, the 20 above the 12 makes sense, because that's the way we all read it. Twenty-Twelve. Then fitting in the olympic rings into the 0 is a good idea. But I rather put it on the bottom of the 2012, and also make it bigger so that the 2012 would be sitting on top of it. The text of London would be on top of the 2012 sign. I think its a better composition and a better feeling. The example above would be suitable for a thumb pin.

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This is one of the designs were you have to say has potential, but ultimately failed to serve Americans. It really depends who you sell this to. This will probably sell really well outside of the United States. Americans look for comfort when they look for couches to buy, and this one does not fit the bill. Also the color is almost unbearable. One of the worst colors on furniture has to be pink, it looks like a pepto bismol bottle spill, and you tried to clean it up with red wine, but stopped half way. If this one a completely different color like navy, it would be acceptable visually not but physically.